Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday Traditions- # 8

It is a tradition that you get breakfast in bed. I have been doing pancakes in the shape of numbers for the last few years. I was so tired but got it done. Christine was so funny she was like get that bright light out of my face.

Eight with hearts. Showing all the love.

Dinner with Family.
We always have dinner at the birthday person choice. Christine loves Mexican & her favorite restaurant closed this last year. So we went to a different restaurant. My Mom & her husband, Noah & Jaren, Todd, Myself & Luke were also present.
The waiter gave her some whip cream on the nose after they sang to her. So we had a good day!!
Birthdays are special & are one of my favorite thing to celebrate.

This is the pillow pet she really wanted. Nana got it for her. Good Job Nana!!

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