Saturday, January 29, 2011

Willaman Christmas

Todd in his favorite Tye-dye. We always have Christmas dinner at Marks house with the Willaman family.
Grandpa Willy & Luke hanging out!

Christine Coloring with Shayna. Fun Fun Fun!

Christmas Morning at home!

Christmas Morning is just so fun! My Mom & her husband spend the night & then share the opening of the presents with us. Santa bought us a tye-dyeing kit. That will be fun to do.

This was Lukes favorite Toy! He would have had just as much fun with the paper & boxes. What a fun age.

Christine got the doll she wanted & lots of other great stuff. She had a great Christmas!
Everyone had a great day!

I thought this was a great picture of Luke up on David shoulder. He is like whats up!

Christmas Eve 2010

We always spend Christmas Eve with my sis & her gang. This year we had a bon fire & a great dinner. Noah's brothers Joe & Ben were there. So all the kids got to goof off together.

Group hug out by the bon fire.

My Cousin Lauren moved in with us in November & this is a picture of the 3 of us.
Luke with his juice cup.

Folks eating some yummy Ham my sister cooked.

Santa Kids 2010

Christine in the big mans chair. She wanted it to be warm for him.
Luke wouldn't go buy him self so sister helped. What a nice girl

We got a second one, but couldn't get Luke to look up. What a Turkey.

Thanksgiving 2010

The Mad Carver!!! Todd went shooting with friends in the morning & the girls got everything ready. Had a great day with friends & family.

Christine & her usually pretty self.

My Dad & Luke goofing off.

My Best friend Korene, Her Aunt Jeanie, & Daughter Shayna. We had fun playing just dance after dinner. We had to burn off some of the fat we ate.