Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Luke 9 months old

He Loves to chew, on anything from your toes to toys

Typical man has to have the remote. You can see the bottom teeth & he has 4 on top.
This is his new fun thing to do. He like to open and crawl in and out of the TV cabinet in our bed room. Yes that is a baby he takes in there with him. He likes to chew on her hand.

Luke is all over the place. He has 6 teeth & 2 more on the way. He will be walking very soon as he walks along things & has taken a few steps from one thing to another. He is a wonderful baby & we are so blessed. He is a good sleeper & is very inquisitive about everything from the vacuum to the dog food bowl. He keeps me on my toes, He is so fast one minute on this side of the house the next in his bed room. He loves our dogs 7 like the occasional ride on them.
Life is just racing by & I am just trying to hang on and enjoy the race.

Summer fun with Black Berries

Christine sits with Luke while he eats his Black berries. She is growning up so fast! She will be 8 in 2 weeks.

We were on the boat one day picking black berries & gave him one. He has been hooked ever since.

Look at that smile. I swear he does get some in his mouth.

This was so Funny! Luke was trying to drink out of the hose. It was so stinking cute!!

Luke & the Kitten

Luke loves this kitten. When he is out it always comes up and plays with him.
It is so funny. He was watching his sister & would not look at me. What a turkey, but a cute turkey. He is 9 months in this picture. It goes by so fast!

Frist day of School - Second Grade

Christine & Todd as they get ready to leave for their first day of school.
She had the outfit picked out for a week. She was so excited to start a new year. I took her that day to get her settled & she has been doing great ever since. What a difference a good teacher makes. I tell ya.

First Home Football Game of 2010

Christine at end of the game drinking some hot coco. She is tired out after playing with all here friends. She were her Knight Football shirt every Friday for support. She even tells kids in her class what high school they will be in & that her dad will be their PE teacher. She is too funny!
She loves her Daddy & the Knights!!

The knights were not victorious. Can you tell....Nice smile Todd.
Luke slept for the second half & woke up at the end.

Grandpa Dick & Grandma Jo were in attendance. As you can see little mister was asleep.

Luke is on our blanket playing with Mazie Deforest. She is about a month older than Luke & they are so funny together. It's neat to have other babies to play with, especially at football games. It is funny, because they is a bunch of coaches kids that all play together. We have a great group of coaching families.

Todd's Big Fish

Todd & his friends did some serious Salmon fishing this year & he got a really nice Salmon. I was so glad when he finally smoked it all. Our house smelt like salmon for like 2 weeks.

August 2010 Trip to Portland

Luke & Christine at the new Lion exbit at the Portland Zoo.

Train ride means nap time for little brother. That kid can sleep anywhere. We are so lucky!!

Christine Dancing in our friends yard as we get ready to go to dinner at PF Changs. Oh so good!

Luke loves to play in the grass

August 2010- My birthday weekend

For my birthday we went on a Air plane ride all over the valley & over our house it was really neat.
The plane was really small but so cool. Christine & Luke got to see us up in the air as we flew over our house.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer Fun

Three Generations of Willaman Men. I swear Todd loves that tye-dye shirt. These pics are on different days
The fish in the pool

My biker babe. Holy moley! I need to be careful later!

We had a art exhibit in town & they were bears on motorcycles. We got lots of pictures.

Bath Time

Luke grew out of his little tub & is now in the big tub. On occasion he baths with sister

Summer Treats

First Corn on the Cob. He loved it & yes it is in his nose.

Sitting is his Great Aunt Cissy lap.

We went to a Baseball game at the legion field with my grandparents & some other family. Lukes Great Grandpa gave him his first bite of ice cream. He loved it !! He better if he is in this family.

Last Day of First Grade

Luke & I visit the school & he enjoyed the slide with his sister and all her class mates. I think he went down with all 26 kids. It was so cute.
Christine at her awards cermony! She had a really tough year. Her teacher should have retired 15 years ago. Anyway she made it & she was done!

Labor Day Weekend

Christine riding the rides at the Boatnik Carnival with friends. She really lucked out a friend gave her a ticket for a free arm band to ride the rides & we ran into her friend who was alone with her grandma.

Luke chewing on the stroller. His first teeth were coming.

The family after the parade. I love that Christine will let us still dress alike.
We were in the parade & had a great weekend.
Todd wasn't in the parade but was sporting his favorite tye-dye(christine made that for him a few fathers day ago)

Luke the swinger!

While at Christine's Games & practices we found something Luke liked the swings.

So we hung one at home. This swing has been passed down from my sisters crew. It is great!

That is a smile I swear!

Softball 2010

Here Christine is doing the Softball pledge before a game. She really enjoyed playing unfortunately there wasn't enough girls for a team at her age group so she played up with older girls as old as 12. No one knew she was 8 till the very end. She did GREAT!

Luke Can do tricks! I hated when Todd did this.

Team Photos of the Cougars

Going for a home Run!

Ready to tag someone out at second

Christines Softball Fans 2010

Luke was a real trooper. It was cold when softball started in April.

He greated ever one with smiles & hugs. We often were in the car when it was cold.

Senior Superstars 2010

North valley High School has a fun event between another school & the girls got all dressed up to support their team. Go Knights!! This is Christines best friend Rebecca.