Thursday, September 13, 2007

New House is looking good!

Building this house has been get we go up there every night to see what is new. Christine likes to catch lizards and get dirty with the dogs while we are there. We just can't wait to get in there.

Here is the front view of the house. It is not painted yet but will be soon!

This is the view from the front door. These are the cabinets for kitchen & bathrooms.

This is a shot from the back door.Things are going really good. We can't wait to get in there!
Hope you like

First Day of Pre-Kindergarden!!!!

Christine on her first day of school. Her bag was filled with all her supplies(& it weighed a ton). This the unifom she has to wear.(yeah!!no more fights about outfit choices) Oh yeah the school is St. Annes Catholic school & she loves it. She is going to be a real smarty pants! They have had homework every night since it started.

Todds New Toy!!

Todd's new Tractor....a great way to travel...
(Yes that is a person in the bucket)

Christine & the Boy's....take a ride up to the new house.
I don't I can get the hurt person to the hospital if need be.

We now have all the attachments. Todd is giving up teaching and becoming a farmer.(ha ha)

Josephine County Fair

The fair was great fun!!! The girls got to hold little ducklings.

Below Christne is petting a baby calf. The girls really enjoyed the Petting Zoo.

Here the party girls are riding the rides with hands in the air. Look at those smiles ;)

Linda's Mom Peggy was great she paid for the girls to ride the rides and she also bought some really good fair food. You know the kind cotton candy, ice cream.....we were on a sugar High!

The picture above was of the girls showing off there rocks they got at the gem booth.

The Fair was a really fun time. The girls rode every ride they were tall enough for and crashed hard when they were done. We got to walk around and look at all the exibits when we need the shade.
We love the fair!!!!!