Friday, August 10, 2007

My Birthday Week!!!

In My family we celebrate a birthday week. Todd thinks we are crazy but thats how we roll.
My week stared with a celebration with almost all my family at the Annual Mahannual(our big family campout). I was completly spoiled and want to thank everyone so much!!!!
On my actual birthday I got a beautiful watch, a bird feeder, a great steak dinner and this wonderful cake. Christine & Todd did a great job. It was really nice.

On Tuesday my Mom took Christine for the night so Todd & I could go take a break at the coast.(much need) We had a great time..Maxing & Relaxing!

This is us in front of a light hoouse we checked out.

This was a really fun part of our trip.I begged Todd to do this.... it was so funny. We drove thur this tree down at the Red Wood. This tree was huge.
We also went to the Casino & won a little money....can't say how much. Don't want the IRS to track us down. Ha Ha!

Things have been great this week lots of lunch & dinner dates. My friends and family are the Best!!!

Thanks everyone for making this week so great!!

Fun at the River

We have spent many a night down by the river trying to cool off. Here are some shots of Christine & friends.

Christine is here with Grace her long time friend & Look is Donkey from Sherk.

I'm not sure who this is but it sure looks like fun!

Christine has picked up some new past times this summer........Here she is panning for gold.
I hope she strikes it rich so i can quite work....She is in love with the river!!

Todd & I are trying to stay cool...Ha Ha
These Hippos were chilling when we went to wild life Safari.
Summer as we know it is winding down. Boy it went fast this year!!

Summer Fun with Cousins

Here are some of Christines Cousins & our friend Jordan. They were getting a quick snack after playing on the water slide most of the morning.Pictured Left to right Christine, Jordan, Jewel, and Jaron.

Our New House

As you may know we are building a house on our property. Really exciting!!!

This was the start & then this is where we were at a couple of weeks ago. We now have a roof, electrical, siding and much more. We can't wait to celebrate our new home. Will keep you posted on the move in date & the house warming party.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer Time Blues

Hi everyone! Sorry i haven't blogged lately. We have been moving, changing jobs, and builing a new house. Look for new post in the next week or so. Christine is getting so big and keeps us on our toes.
We love & miss you all.